A hopefully comprehensive list of currently 286 tools used in corpus compilation and analysis.
This list is kept up to date by its users. Hence, please feel free to contribute by suggesting new tools.
You can also make suggestions, e.g., corrections, regarding individual tools by clicking the ✎ symbol. As this is a non-commercial side (side, side) project, checking and incorporating updates usually takes some time.
There is also a comprehensive list of all tags in the database.
Tool | Description | Tags | Platforms | Pricing |
BFSU Collocator ✎ | A collocation analysis toolkit | collocation, statistics | Windows | Free |
CLAN ✎ | A tool for searching and analyzing child language data in the CHAT transcription format. | search, wordlists, collocation, child language, CHILDES | Windows, Mac, Unix | Free, Open Source |
COCA_MWU20 ColloGram ✎ | A collocation analysis tool based on a COCA collocation family list. | collocation | Windows | Free |
ConcGramCore ✎ | A modern rewrite of ConcGram (Greaves 2005) that allows efficiently searching for concgrams. | collocation, concgram | Windows | Open Source |
CorporaCoCo ✎ | A set of R functions used to compare co-occurrence between corpora | collocation | R | Free |
Cortext Manager ✎ | A scriptable "ecosystem" for modeling and exploring corpora. Especially useful for creating topic models and co-occurence networks. | NER, topic models, visualization, word2vec, collocation, keywords | Web | Free |
LancsBox ✎ | The Lancaster Desktop Corpus Toolbox; Software package for the analysis of language data and corpora | collocation, frequency analysis, keywords | Java | Free (CC) |
Pareidoscope ✎ | Pareidoscope is a collection of tools for determining the association between arbitrary linguistic structures, such as collocations, collostructions or between structures. | collocation, constructions | Free | |
Sketch Engine ✎ | A corpus manager and text analysis software developed by Lexical Computing. | annotation, concordancer, tagging, sampling, search, visualization, wordlists, keywords, compilation, text analysis, n-grams, collocation, statistics, segmentation, analysis, crawler, parallel, colligation, annotations, tokenization, query, ngrams, boilerplate remover, comparison, frequency analysis, information retrieval, data, sentence boundary, corpus creation, duplicate remover, regex, thesaurus, meta modelling, dictionary, text-processing, xml, frequency, trends patterns, web-based, collocates, collocation analysis, word cloud, coocurence, KWIC, corpus management, multilingual, NLP, diachronic analysis, term extraction, keyword extraction, bilingual term extraction | 30-day free trial then starts at 4.83 €/month | |
UCS Toolkit ✎ | A toolkit (libraries and scripts) for the statistical analysis of coocurence data. | collocation, coocurence, statistics | R, Perl | Free |
Last Updated: March 10, 2025.
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