A hopefully comprehensive list of currently 286 tools used in corpus compilation and analysis.
This list is kept up to date by its users. Hence, please feel free to contribute by suggesting new tools.
You can also make suggestions, e.g., corrections, regarding individual tools by clicking the ✎ symbol. As this is a non-commercial side (side, side) project, checking and incorporating updates usually takes some time.
There is also a comprehensive list of all tags in the database.
Tool | Description | Tags | Platforms | Pricing |
ACTRES Corpus Browser ✎ | A tool for retrieving tagged information in more than one language. | tagging | Web | Commercial |
ACTRES Rhetorical Movel Tagger ✎ | A tool for tagging rhetorical moves. | tagging, rhetorics | Web | Commercial |
almaneser / SALTA ✎ | Semantic Parser and PoS Tagger for English | parser, pos tagger, tagging | Free (with licence agreement) | |
AntCLAWSGUI ✎ | Front-end interface for CLAWS tagger | pos tagger, tagging | Windows | Free |
BFSU Stanford PoS Tagger (Light) ✎ | A GUI for the Standford PoS tagger | pos tagger, tagging | Windows | Free |
CLAWS PoS-Tagger ✎ | The CLAWS part-of-speech tagger. | pos tagger, tagging | Web | Via licence or in-house tagging at Lancaster |
CorpusExplorer ✎ | A complex corpus analysis toolkit combining 45 interactive tools. | visualization, exploration, tagging, text analysis | Windows | Free, Open Source |
DisMo ✎ | An automatic multi-level annotator for spoken language corpora. | spoken, multilevel, multi-layer, pos tagger, annotation, tagging | ||
LightTag ✎ | A commercial text annotation tool focused on managing and working with teams of annotators. | annotation, tagging, ai-tagging | Web | Commercial |
MAT - Multidemensional Analysis Tagger ✎ | A tagger for MDA (Biber et al.) by Andrea Nini. | tagging, MDA | Windows, Mac | Free |
Pattern Builder ✎ | A tool helping with regular expressions and PoS tags | regex, tagging | Windows | Free |
Sketch Engine ✎ | A corpus manager and text analysis software developed by Lexical Computing. | annotation, concordancer, tagging, sampling, search, visualization, wordlists, keywords, compilation, text analysis, n-grams, collocation, statistics, segmentation, analysis, crawler, parallel, colligation, annotations, tokenization, query, ngrams, boilerplate remover, comparison, frequency analysis, information retrieval, data, sentence boundary, corpus creation, duplicate remover, regex, thesaurus, meta modelling, dictionary, text-processing, xml, frequency, trends patterns, web-based, collocates, collocation analysis, word cloud, coocurence, KWIC, corpus management, multilingual, NLP, diachronic analysis, term extraction, keyword extraction, bilingual term extraction | 30-day free trial then starts at 4.83 €/month | |
SoMeWeTa ✎ | A part-of-speech tagger with support for domain adaptation and external resources. | tagging, pos, pos tagger | Linux, Mac, Windows | Free, Open Source |
Stanford Log-linear POS Tagger ✎ | PoS Tagger (with Penn Treebank Tagset) for English, Arabic, Chinese, German | pos tagger, tagging | Free | |
TagAnt ✎ | Part-of-speech tagging tool built on Tree Tagger | pos tagger, tagging | Windows, Mac, Linux | Free |
The Simple PoS Tagger ✎ | A simply PoS-tagger utilizing Perl Lingua::EN:Tagger | pos tagger, tagging | Windows | Free |
TnT - Thorsten Brants's PoS Tagger ✎ | A simple PoS-Tagger | pos tagger, tagger, tagging | Windows/Unix | Available via Stanford |
UCREL Semantic Analysis System (USAS) ✎ | An automatic semantic tagger for different languages (e.g., English, Chinese, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish). | semantic annotation, tagging, semantics | Free | |
UralicNLP ✎ | NLP tools (primarily) for Uralic languages | uralic, parser, pos tagger, tagging, inflection, morphological tagger | Linux, Mac, Windows | Free |
Sanchay ✎ | An open source multi-purpose platform focused on South Asian languages. | annotation, tagging, chunking | Windows, Linux | Free, Open Source |
Last Updated: March 10, 2025.
In case you are interested, the data is also available in JSON format.