Tools for Corpus Linguistics

A hopefully comprehensive list of currently 286 tools used in corpus compilation and analysis.

This list is kept up to date by its users. Hence, please feel free to contribute by suggesting new tools.

You can also make suggestions, e.g., corrections, regarding individual tools by clicking the symbol. As this is a non-commercial side (side, side) project, checking and incorporating updates usually takes some time.

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Top 25 Tags

All Tags
concordancer 49
annotation 44
visualization 29
text analysis 20
tagging 20
pos tagger 18
wordlists 16
statistics 12
compilation 11
keywords 11
collocation 10
qda 10
tokenizer 8
parser 8
readability 8
lexis 8
analysis 7
frequency analysis 7
web-based 6
python 6
spoken 6
language learning 6
mixed methods 6
transcription 5
crawler 5

There is also a comprehensive list of all tags in the database.

Tools [lexis]

Tool Description Tags Platforms Pricing
Compleat Lexical Tutor A website featuring various tools and materials for data-driven language learning.vocabulary, language learning, lexis, web-based, ddlWebFree
DepCluster A tool used for lexeme-based collexeme analysis.lexis, collexeme, CxG, LBCA
Frequency Program (Paul Nation) A tool that turns a text or texts into a word list with frequency figures.vocabulary, frequency, lexisWindowsFree
LEXA A complex lemmatizer.lexis, lemmaizerFree
NATAS A spacy-based library for processing historical corpora (with a focus on neologisms).historical, python, lexisLinux, Windows, MacOpen Source
Range Program (formerly VocabProfiler) (Paul Nation) A tool for for analyzing the vocabulary load of texts.voabulary, lexisWindowsFree
The Great American Word Mapper A visualization tool for the top 100,000 words used in American English twitter data.twitter, lexis, social mediaWebFree
WordSift A word cloud generator, with dynamic filters, links to images, and KWIC capabilities. Works with various types/formats of word lists. word cloud, vocabulary profiling, lexis, vocabulary, language teachingWebFree

Last Updated: March 03, 2025.

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