A hopefully comprehensive list of currently 286 tools used in corpus compilation and analysis.
This list is kept up to date by its users. Hence, please feel free to contribute by suggesting new tools.
You can also make suggestions, e.g., corrections, regarding individual tools by clicking the ✎ symbol. As this is a non-commercial side (side, side) project, checking and incorporating updates usually takes some time.
There is also a comprehensive list of all tags in the database.
Tool | Description | Tags | Platforms | Pricing |
ANNIS ✎ | Search and visualization tool for multi-layer linguistic corpora with diverse types of annotation | search, visualization | Web (or Linux, Mac, Windows) | Free |
buzz ✎ | A python-based linguistic analysis tool. | parsing, concordancer, visualization | Python | Free, Open Source |
CATMA (Computer Assisted Text Markup and Analysis) ✎ | An undogmatic, complex annotation and analysis package. | markup, analysis, visualization, annotation | Web | Free |
Coquery ✎ | A free corpus query tool to search, analyze, and visualize corpora | query, visualization | Linux, Mac, Windows | Free |
CorpKit ✎ | An advanced modern corpus toolkit with an emphasis on visualization and annotated corpora. | wordlists, parsing, concordancer, visualization | Linux, Mac, Windows (Python) | Free |
Corpus Presenter ✎ | Tree tagger and corpus analysis software | wordlists, parsing, concordancer, visualization | Windows | Free |
CorpusExplorer ✎ | A complex corpus analysis toolkit combining 45 interactive tools. | visualization, exploration, tagging, text analysis | Windows | Free, Open Source |
Cortext Manager ✎ | A scriptable "ecosystem" for modeling and exploring corpora. Especially useful for creating topic models and co-occurence networks. | NER, topic models, visualization, word2vec, collocation, keywords | Web | Free |
DocuScope ✎ | A tool for computer-aided rhetorical anyalysis | rhetorical analysis, text analysis, visualization | Windows (Java) | Free |
GraphColl ✎ | Tool for building and exploring networks of linguistic collocations | visualization | Windows, Mac | Free |
ICARUS ✎ | Search and visualization tool for dependency trees | visualization | Free | |
Kaleidographic ✎ | A dynamic and interactive visualization tool for multivariate data. | visualization | Web | Free |
Khepri ✎ | A view-based toolfor exploring (historical sociolinguistic) data | sociolinguistics, visualization | JavaScript, Web | Free, Open Source |
Praaline ✎ | Praaline is a system for metadata management, annotation, visualisation and analysis of spoken language corpora. | speech, prosody, spoken, annotation, concordancer, search, visualization, converter, analysis | Windows, Mac, Linux | Free / Open Source (GPL3) |
Sketch Engine ✎ | A corpus manager and text analysis software developed by Lexical Computing. | annotation, concordancer, tagging, sampling, search, visualization, wordlists, keywords, compilation, text analysis, n-grams, collocation, statistics, segmentation, analysis, crawler, parallel, colligation, annotations, tokenization, query, ngrams, boilerplate remover, comparison, frequency analysis, information retrieval, data, sentence boundary, corpus creation, duplicate remover, regex, thesaurus, meta modelling, dictionary, text-processing, xml, frequency, trends patterns, web-based, collocates, collocation analysis, word cloud, coocurence, KWIC, corpus management, multilingual, NLP, diachronic analysis, term extraction, keyword extraction, bilingual term extraction | 30-day free trial then starts at 4.83 €/month | |
TagCrowd ✎ | A simple tool for generating tag/word clouds online | word clouds, visualization | Web | Free |
Tagxedo ✎ | A tool for generating word clouds. | word clouds, visualization | Web | Free |
Text Variation Explorer ✎ | The Text Variation Explorer TVE is a tool for exploring the effect of window size on various common linguistic measures. It visualizes these measures and allows for PCA/Cluster analysis. | visualization, variation analysis | Java | Free |
Text Visualization Browser ✎ | A survey/gallery of text visualizations | visualization | Web | Free |
TextArc ✎ | A tool for visualizing the structure of texts. | visualization | ||
Textplot ✎ | A tool for mapping a document into a network of terms in order to visualize the topic structure. | visualization, network analysis, semantics, graphs | Python | Free, Open Source |
Tree Editor TrEd 2.0 ✎ | Graphical editor and viewer for tree-like structures. | visualization | Windows, GNU/Linux und MacOS | Free |
Voyant Tools ✎ | A web-based reading/analysis toolkit for digital texts. | reading, text analysis, visualization, trends patterns | Web | Free, Open Source |
Wordle ✎ | A tool for generating word clouds. | word clouds, visualization | Web | Free |
WordMap ✎ | A simple web-based word-map / wordcloud generator. | visualization, web-based | Web | Free |
WordWanderer ✎ | A web-based visualization/analysis tool which allows its users to "wander" a text. | visualization, concordancer | Web | Free |
Worldbuilder ✎ | Tool for annotation and visualisation in analysis applying text-world-theory | annotation, visualization | ||
Orange Data Mining ✎ | An open source machine learning and data visualization platform based on workflows. | text analysis, visualization, time series | Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac | Free, Open Source |
TEITOK ✎ | A web-based platform for viewing, creating, and editing corpora with rich textual mark-up and linguistic annotation. | visualization, TEI, mark-up, annotation | Linux, Mac | Free, Open Source |
Last Updated: March 03, 2025.
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